Bài báo đăng trên tạp chí khoa học quốc tế
STT Tác giả Tên bài báo Năm xuất bản Nhà xuất bản
1 Yuan Wang, Jianrun Zhang, Le Van Quynh,

Vibroacoustic Analysis of a Rectangular Enclosure Bounded by a Flexible Panel with Clamped Boundary Condition, Shock and Vibration,

2014 Volume 2014, Article ID 872963, 17 pages
2 Nguyen Van Huy, Luong Chi Mai, Vu Tat Thang, Do Quoc Truong

Vietnamese recognition using tonal phoneme based on multi space distribution,

2014 Journal of Computer Science and Cybernetics, Vietnam, ISSN 1813-9663,Vol 30 No 1, Jan
3 D.T. Nguyen, A. Ferrec, J. Keraudy, M. Richard-Plouet, A. Goullet, L. Cattin, L. Brohan, P.-Y. Jouan,

Ellipsometric and XPS characterization of transparent nickel oxide thin films deposited by reactive HiPIMS",

2014 Surface & Coatings Technology, 250 (2014) 21–25.
4 Azdiar A. Gazder, Viet Q. Vu, Ahmed A. Saleh, Pavlo E. Markovsky, Pavlo E. Markovsky, Christopher H.J. Davies, Elena V. Pereloma, "

Recrystallisation in a cold drawn low cost beta titanium alloy during rapid resistance heating rapid resistan",

2014 Journal of alloys and compounds,Volume 585, pp. 245–259, 5 February
5 Thi Dieu Thuy Nguyen, Jiangjun Ruan, Quan Nhu Nguyen, Ngoc Giang Le, Dan Tan, Longfei Hu

Study of Economical-Technical Impacts of Distributed Generation on Medium-Voltage Grid,

2014 TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.12, No.2, February 2014, pp. 1177 ~ 1187
6 Ngo Xuan Cuong, Do Nhu Y, Duong Hoa An,

Modeling of the electric drive with frequency control of the asynchronous machine

2014 Известия ТулГУ. Технические науки. Вып. 3
7 Minh Y. Nguyen, Yong Tae Yoon

Optimal Scheduling and Operation of Battery/Wind Generation System in Response to Real-time Market Prices

2014 IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING IEEJ Trans; 9: 129 – 135 Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI:10.1002/tee.21947
8 Minh Y. Nguyen and Yong Tae Yoon

A Comparison of Microgrid Topologies Considering Both Market Operations and Reliability

2014 Electric Power Components and Systems, 42(6):585–594, Copyright C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1532-5008 print / 1532-5016 online DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2014.880963
9 Nguyen Duy Cuong, Nguyen Van Lanh, Dang Van Huyen

Design of LQG Controller Using Operational Amplifiers for Motion Control Systems

2014 Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, ISSN: 2301 - 3702, pp. 300 – 306
10 Nguyen Duy Cuong, Nguyen Van Lanh, and Gia Thi Dinh

An Adaptive LQG Combined With the MRAS - Based LFFC for Motion Control Systems

2014 Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Vol. 3, No. 2, April
11 D.T. Nguyen A. Ferrec J. Keraudy J.C. Berne`de N. Stephant L. Cattin P.-Y. Jouan

Effect of the deposition conditions of NiO anode buffer layers in organic solar cells, on the properties of these cells

2014 Applied Surface Science, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.05.020
12 Dinko Vukadinovića, Mateo Baöića, Cat Ho Nguyenb, Nhu Lan Vu, Tien Duy Nguyen

Hedge-algebra-based voltage controller for a self-excited induction generator

2014 Control Engineering Practice,
13 Chunhui Chung, Le Van Nhat

Generation of diamond wire sliced wafer surface based on the distribution of diamond grits

2014 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
14 Phùng Thị Thu Hiền

Experiments on Vietnamese Folk Songs Content-based Searching based on Pitch Estimation

2013 International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology
15 LIU Xiao-bo1,LIU Jian1,LE Van-quynh2

Current situation and development of vibration and noise from rail trains

2013 China Academic Journal Electronic Puslishing House
16 Nguyen Duy Cuong1,a, Nguyen Van Lanh1,b, Dam Bao Loc1,c, Tran Que Son1,d and Ngo Minh Chu5

Design of a PD Controller Combined with a MRAS-based LFFC for a Two – Link Robot Manipulator

2013 Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols . (541-542) pp 1102-1106
17 V. V. Thang, D. Q. Thong, B. Q. Khanh ,

A New Model Applied to the Distribution System Planning for Competitive Electricity Market

2013 International Journal of Energy Engineering (IJEE), Dec, Vol. 3 Iss. 6, PP. 239-248
18 Hoang Nguyen, Hoàng Vị; Vu Thi Lien, Tran The Long

Kinematic analysis of Persian joint using 3D rotation matrix, journal of environment science and engineering ,

2013 Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A 2, 70-775 Formerly part of Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, ISSN 1934-8932
19 Vu Ngoc Pi, Hoang Van Chau, Tran Quoc Hung

A study on recycling of Supreme garnet in Abrasive WaterjetMachining

2013 Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 248 pp 499-503© Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.248.499
20 Vu Ngoc Pi, Nguyen Thi Hong Cam, Hoang Vi

A study on optimum calculation of partial transmission ratios of coupled planetary gear sets

2013 Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 275-277 pp. 2417-2420© Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.275-277. 2417