Báo cáo tại các hội thảo quốc tế

Study of the piston temperature oscillation during an operating cycle of the turbo-charged diesel engine

Tác giả: Nguyễn Trung Kiên, Lê Đình Vũ

Nhà xuất bản: The first International Symposium on Technology Sustainability, ISTS 21st – 24th November, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 21-25

In this study, the mathematical description of characteristic surfaces of heat exchange of the piston and temperature distribution of the turbo- charged diesel engine during an operating cycle was presented. The computations were performed by means of the two-zone combustion model, the boundary conditions of III kind in crank angle function and the finite elements method (FEM) by using ANSYS Software. The paper showed different combustion boundary condition treatments to calculate temperature distribution in the piston, especially used a new heat transfer coefficient correlation, also thermal circuit method to model the heat transfer in the ring land and skirt region.