Bài báo đăng trên tạp chí khoa học quốc tế

Language Learning Strategies Employed by EFL Science-oriented University Students in Vietnam: An Exploratory Study

Tác giả: Dương Đức Minh, Intaraprasert, C

Nhà xuất bản: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications Vol. 2(4), pp. 232-236

The present language learning strategy classification is based on data reported by 30 science-oriented students from 6 different universities in the north of Vietnam through the semi!structured interviews. Based on the language learning purposes to be achieved, the Language Learning Strategy Inventory (LLSI) comprises two main categories, i.e. specific language skills enhancement and general language knowledge enhancement. As a result, the specific language skills enhancement consists of 43 emergent individual strategies, and the general language knowledge enhancement consists of 11 individual strategies. The researchers always keep in mind that the present LLSI is not comprehensive and may not cover all strategies that science- oriented students have employed. However, the proposed LLSI may be considered to be representative of the language learning strategies employed by science-oriented students in the north of Vietnam.